Special procedure due to COVID-19

Procedure for the departure of your kitten

1- To pick up your kitten, go to the following address: 32 Rang Sainte-Marie-Anne, Saint-Raphael QC G0R4C0
2- Please note that we do not accept checks upon departure of the kitten. So the best is to bring the payment in cash.
3- When you arrive, park in front of our driveway and call us at 418-265-8390.
4- We will go out to collect your transport cage and we will return to install your kitten. We will then take your kitten out and the starter kit to drop it outside

General instruction for your kitten

Congratulations for your new kitten.

Before your kitten arrives, prepare a quiet spot for him with his bowl of water and bowl of food and litter.

Choose a litter box without a door for the first few days and a litter free of scent and dust.

Place the box in a quiet place where the kitten feels comfortable and safe.

When you get home, place him directly in his litter box so he knows where it is.

Leave the kitten at its own pace to pick it up, this is a big change for him, if he wants to leave your arms let it do it.

It is important not to change the kitten's food or give it anything else to avoid diarrhea.

The kitten eats Royal Canin Veterinary Development's food and canned food of same brand.

We give kibble as long as he is growing and he is not overweight.

We also give the Veterinarian's Royal Canine Development Can 2 to 3 times a day to provide extra water.

Your kitten received her dewormer from 3 weeks old. It is important not to play too much with the kitten the first few days to avoid a drop in sugar as the home change causes a lot of stress and therefore a great demand for energy.

Respect his need to sleep, he's a baby, he needs it. If you have other animals, wait until they are comfortable with you and their new location before introducing them.

Petidco microchip

Your kitten is microchipped on the other hand, it is useless if the microchip is not entered in an official database. If ever your cat is lost the veterinarian and shelter consult these databases to find the owner of the animal.

It is important to register your kitten in this database on the following link:

PETIDCO database


go to the following section on the PETIDCO website:


Complete each request information field and follow the steps to complete the process of registering your microchip. You received with your starter kit a 15 digit number with a bar code, this is the microchip number. If ever you move, do not forget to change the address of the microchip information in the database.

Food and Treat

Here is the food and treat we give to our kittens.

Up to 4 months

after 4 months



We recommend choosing a litter free of dust and perfume. At the beginning, do not install a door and a dome on the litter box and install them once your cat is familiar with the location of his litter box.

Pet Insurance

We recommend Trupanion as a pet insurance company. They will give you a free insurance period (normally 4 weeks)

• Buyers must call within 24 hours of kitten depparture to activate offer (855-266-2156)

• The activation must take place the day before, the day or the day after the day of returning home.

• They are open 24/7

Siberian quebec offer v830